Lufthansa flight from Chennai to Frankfurt in June 2023 has culminated in a ruling from a Chennai court, which penalised the airline for its deficient service. The series of incidents, which involved wet seats, delayed flights, mishandling, and poor customer care, not only disrupted their travel but also resulted in both emotional and financial distress.
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Joju Dominic, 69, and his wife, Jasmine, 65, had booked round-trip tickets from Chennai to Vancouver via Frankfurt, costing them Rs 3.5 lakh. However, their troubles began on June 12, 2023, when their Lufthansa flight from Chennai was delayed by 90 minutes for cleaning. The couple, along with other passengers, had to wait in the aerobridge, causing discomfort from the unanticipated delay.
Upon boarding, the situation worsened when they discovered their seats were soaked with water dripping from the overhead compartment. Joju Dominic explained, “The staff blamed the issue on Chennai’s climate and suggested we use a blanket to deal with the dripping water.” When Joju sought further assistance, he reported that a cabin crew member threatened to deplane him. “It was a wholly inappropriate solution, and the attitude from the crew was confrontational,” he added. Eventually, after prolonged discomfort, they were moved to alternative seats.