Maha Kumbh in Prayagraj has gone viral on social media, showing an altercation between a YouTuber and a sanyasi, popularly known as Nakhoon Baba. The festival, which draws a large number of devotees for the holy dip at the Sangam, witnessed an unusual disruption when the Baba reacted angrily to questions from the YouTuber.
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The YouTuber approached Nakhoon Baba, who was meditating at the festival, and began asking questions. Initially, Baba responded calmly when asked, «Since when did you join the Sanyasi sect, Maharaj Ji?» He replied, «Since childhood.» However, when the YouTuber repeated the question and followed up by asking, «Which bhajan of God do you people sing?» Baba’s demeanor changed.
Visibly angered, Baba grabbed a tong lying nearby and began chasing and striking the YouTuber. The startled YouTuber ran away, dropping his mic in the process.
During the incident, Baba could be heard saying, «Shall we show you a tamasha? Get up.» He also expressed anger at the YouTuber’s approach, saying, «He will talk nonsense, he will speak ill of saints, tongs.» Baba questioned those present, asking, «You people are seeing what wrong he said.»
The video has since sparked a mix of reactions online, with