Manoj Kumar Singh has said that 35 crore pilgrims are expected to attend the Maha Kumbh Mela taking place in the vicinity of Sangam — the confluence of rivers Ganga, Yamuna and Saraswati. He also said that during the period of Mauni Amavasya, an estimated four-five crore devotees are expected to reach the holy city and participate in the festivities.
Singh said that the state budget for the 45-day-long mega event is around Rs 7,000 crore, and added that «the last Kumbh was known for sanitation. This time it is sanitation, security and digital Kumbh.
»2019 was Kumbh. This is Maha Kumbh, and in the last Kumbh, we received 24 crore pilgrims, and this time we are expecting more than 35 crore pilgrims. Arrangements are also being made like that.
«The area of the Mela has increased by almost 25 per cent. This time it is being set up at around 4,000 hectares, while in the last Kumbh, it was set up in an area of around 3,200 hectares,» Singh told PTI in an interview.
Drawing further comparison with the 2019 Kumbh, Singh said, «This time, we have divided the Mela area into 25 sectors as compared to 20 sectors in 2019. The lengths of ghats have been increased to 12 kilometres (in 2025) from eight kilometres (in 2019). The parking area too has been increased to 1850 hectares this time as compared to 1291 hectares in 2019.
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