Rahul Gandhi and Mallikarjun Kharge on Wednesday challenged AAP chief Arvind Kejriwal to drink water from the Yamuna while lamenting the Delhiites had to drink dirty water daily as the AAP failed to act on the promise of cleaning the river. They also tried to club BJP with AAP and PM Modi with Kejriwal by alleging that «both make false promises» and claiming that «both are opposed to reservation and are against the poor and socially deprived».
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«Kejriwal ji had promised he would clean the Yamuna and drink from it and swim in it. I challenge Kejriwal to drink it now. If he drinks, I promise I will meet him in hospital the next day...,» Gandhi said at a Congress campaign meeting in Bawana here.
Addressing another election rally at Burari, party president Kharge said: «Both BJP and AAP joined hands behind the Anna Hazare agitation to unseat the Congress government. Both are the same and hand-in-glove. Modi Ji and Kejriwal Ji are two sides of the same coin. Look on one side, you will spot Modi Ji, and look on the other side, you will spot Kejriwal Ji».