Ankur Warikoo, who boasts a massive following of over 13.7 million across social media platforms, shared an approach to self-reflection through seven challenging questions designed to inspire personal growth and clarity for the upcoming year.
These questions delve into daily habits, unspoken desires, and life priorities. The first, referred to as «The Two-Week Test,» by Ankur Warikoo, prompts individuals to evaluate their current lifestyle. By imagining their future if they continued living as they have for the past two weeks, people can assess whether their habits are steering them toward improvement or stagnation. The second question focuses on the tension between fear and desire, encouraging individuals to confront fears that may be holding them back from pursuing what they truly want.
The third question addresses unspoken truths and the importance of expressing feelings or thoughts to loved ones. It serves as a reminder of life’s unpredictability and the need to communicate while there is still time. The fourth question revolves around identifying life’s true priority and evaluating whether daily actions align with what truly matters most.
The fifth question from Ankur Warikoo, «The Parent Paradox,» takes a sobering look at relationships with parents, urging individuals to consider the limited time left to spend with them and whether their efforts to connect are sufficient. The sixth question tackles the fear of potential loss, challenging individuals to act despite the risks and uncertainties. Lastly, the