Bengaluru woman recently turned to social media to share her concerns about her husband’s struggles in finding a high-paying job in Gurgaon. Married for six years, the couple has been living apart for months due to career and family obligations, and she sought advice on how to navigate this situation. Her heartfelt post resonated with many, shedding light on the challenges of balancing career aspirations and family life.
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After getting married, the couple settled in Bengaluru, where the husband’s career flourished, allowing them to enjoy a combined monthly income of nearly Rs 5 lakhs. In 2022, the woman left her job to start a business, frequently travelling between cities while her husband’s salary increased to Rs 5 lakhs per month. However, after welcoming their baby in 2024, the logistics of managing travel became increasingly difficult, prompting the couple to consider relocating to Gurgaon for better work-life balance.
Despite extensive job applications and networking efforts, the husband has struggled to find a well-paying job in Gurgaon. Meanwhile, the woman expressed concerns over the noticeable difference in pay scales between Bengaluru and Gurgaon, leaving the family at a crossroads. With their baby missing time with one parent, the couple is torn between two difficult decisions: should they move back to Bengaluru and prioritize the husband’s career, or should he accept a lower salary to settle in Gurgaon?