BJP Tuesday nominated Chandrabhan Paswan as its candidate for the assembly bypoll to Uttar Pradesh's Milkipur seat in Ayodhya district which is scheduled to be held next month. The Samajwadi Party has fielded Faizabad MP Awadhesh Prasad's son Ajit Prasad for the bypoll to the seat. Awadhesh Prasad was the MLA of Milkipur before be got elected to the Lok Sabha necessiting the bypoll.
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The Congress has decided not to field its candidate and instead support the nominee of the Samajwadi Party (SP), a constituent of the INDIA bloc.
The bypoll is scheduled for February 5 and votes will be counted on February 8.
SP chief Akhilesh Yadav has often used his party's victory in Milkipur in the 2022 Assmebly polls to take potshots at the Yogi Adityanath government and the BJP, accusing them of misgovernance and divisive politics.
In the run up to the high-stake bypoll, the BJP has pressed six ministers for the campaign being led by Adityanath, who has had a series of tours to Ayodhya recently.
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