porch pirates attempted to swipe her ready-to-make Hello Fresh meal kit order from her front step.Danielle MacPherson was drinking her coffee on Sunday morning when her delivery arrived on the front step.Not even a minute later things started to go sideways when she noticed a stranger coming up her walkway.“I noticed her walk up and try to steal it. She was wearing a ski mask and there was a getaway car following shortly behind,” said MacPherson“Adrenaline took over.”Wearing just her bathrobe, pyjamas and slippers in the bitter cold, MacPherson leaped into action and flung the front door open, clearing her front steps while running after the thief.“As soon as I flew out the open door, she took off running, as if she wouldn’t drop the package! But she finally did.”MacPherson deftly leaped over the discarded package and continued pursuit.“I gave her a little push to say, ‘Get out of here.'”MacPherson said a guy standing next to the silver getaway car said something unbelievable.“He called me an effing psycho.
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