elderly couple dancing to the upbeat Punjabi track Kala Sha Kala at a wedding event has captured the hearts of social media users worldwide. The video, shared by Sukhbir Singh Bhatia, a DJ from Delhi, has gone viral, amassing over a million views. The clip showcases the couple joyfully dancing on the floor, radiating happiness as they are cheered on by the lively wedding guests.
In the video, the woman is elegantly dressed in a saree, while her husband sports traditional attire, and both look utterly delighted as they move to the rhythm of the music. Their chemistry and carefree energy are heartwarming. The wedding atmosphere is filled with joy with others grooving to the music as the couple dances merrily. Sukhbir, who posted the video, expressed his admiration for the couple in the caption, calling them "couple goals." His post quickly resonated with followers, who showered the couple with praise.
Ankush Bahuguna reacted to the clip and wrote, “Precious!” One user shared how many times they had watched the video, expressing their delight. Another commenter described the couple as «old souls with forever young hearts,» highlighting their youthful energy. Many others expressed their love for the video, with one person mentioning how they watched it repeatedly, appreciating the heartwarming moment. Another user simply expressed their affection with a cheerful response, calling the video «adorable.»
The video has amassed about 1.2 million views on Instagram and is being hailed as