Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) today launched its campaign for the 2025 Delhi Assembly elections. As part of its efforts, the party unveiled a campaign song titled 'Phir layenge Kejriwal' (Will bring back Kejriwal), aiming to rally support for Arvind Kejriwal. The 3:29-minute song highlights AAP's achievements during its tenure in office. Kejriwal said after releasing the song, «We celebrate our elections like festivals, and people wait for our song; now it's out, and people can dance to it.»
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Taking a dig at the BJP, he added, «I know even BJP leaders will like our song; even they can dance to our song in their rooms.»
Chief Minister Atishi and other senior AAP leaders Manish Sisodia, Saurabh Bharadwaj, Gopal Rai and Sanjay Singh, among others, were present at the release.
Key Leaders Attend Launch
At the event, AAP national convenor Arvind Kejriwal, Delhi Chief Minister Atishi, party leader Manish Sisodia, and other prominent members were present. AAP MP Sanjay Singh shared his optimism about the song's impact, telling ANI, «This song will be a hit. Our slogan was 'phir laayenge Kejriwal' and this song also conveys the same. This song will reach every house and people will make Arvind Kejriwal win with a huge majority.»
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By — Metla Sudha Sekhar, IT