FIITJEE and 11 others have been booked on a complaint by the parents of the coaching institute's students after several of its centres in Delhi-NCR shut down, police said on Saturday. FIITJEE founder DK Goyal, Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Rajiv Babbar, Chief Operating Officer (COO) Manish Anand and its Greater Noida branch head Ramesh Batlesh have been named in the FIR, a Noida Police spokesperson said.
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«Based on the complaint of parents, a case has been registered on charges of criminal conspiracy and breach of trust,» Deputy Commissioner of Police (Noida) Rambadan Singh said.
On Friday, students and parents said several FIITJEE centres have unexpectedly shut down across Delhi-NCR and many teachers have resigned allegedly due to non-payment of salaries for months.
FIITJEE provides coaching for competitive exams to engineering aspirants and has 73 centres across the country.
Citing the complaint of Satsang Kumar, a resident of Greater Noida, the Noida Police spokesperson said that the institute's centre in Noida, Sector-62 was open till Tuesday but closed an hour before schedule. Later, it was found that the centre had been completely closed. He claimed that more than two thousand students studied at the centre.
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