Rakesh Roshan’s Kaho Naa Pyaar Hai, hit the theatres and created a storm at not just the box office but award functions as well. The film marked the debut of the director’s son, Hrithik Roshan and actress Ameesha Patel. Now, after 25 years, the romantic Bollywood film is all set to re-release in the theatres, following the release of other films like Yeh Jawani Hai Deewani and Kal Ho Naa Ho.
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The iconic Bollywood romance will celebrate its 25th anniversary and will be re-released on January 10, coinciding with Hrithik Roshan’s 51st birthday. Fans of the movie will have the chance to experience its timeless story and music once again in theatres, thanks to special screenings by PVR INOX cinemas.
PVR Cinemas announced the re-release of Kaho Naa… Pyaar Hai on their official Instagram account, inviting fans to celebrate the film’s 25th anniversary and Hrithik Roshan’s stellar debut. They shared details of special curated shows starting on January 10, offering audiences the chance to relive the iconic love story on the big screen.
Fans expressed their excitement for the re-release, sharing their eagerness to watch the blockbuster on the big screen again. Many highlighted the timeless appeal of Kaho Naa… Pyaar Hai and its enduring impact. Alongside the enthusiasm, several commenters also called for the
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