Scott’s $16 billion (around Rs 1,36,000 crore) donation spree over the past five years has made headlines, but Musk isn’t entirely sold on her approach. In a recent social media post, Musk raised concerns about Scott’s focus on causes like racial equity and LGBTQ rights, suggesting that her efforts may be missing the mark on the world’s most urgent issues.
Scott, through her Yield Giving initiative, has redefined the way philanthropy works by offering non-profits unrestricted grants, giving them the freedom to use the funds as needed. While many have praised her innovative approach, Musk sees her focus on social justice issues as divisive, possibly steering away from “bigger” global problems. So, what’s really at the heart of this billionaire battle over charity, and will Scott’s unconventional style stand the test of time?
Musk’s Critique: Is Scott helping or hindering?
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