Radhika Merchant and Anand Piramal were among the high-profile attendees at Dua Lipa’s concert in Mumbai on Saturday evening. The daughter-in-law and son-in-law of billionaire power couple Mukesh and Nita Ambani were seen arriving at the venue. Radhika, married to Mukesh and Nita Ambani’s younger son Anant Ambani, and Anand, married to their daughter Isha Ambani, were spotted entering the venue in different cars, along with a fleet of security vehicles. The video was shared by the Instagram handle of ETimes
The concert, headlined by Grammy-winning singer Dua Lipa, marks the second edition of the Zomato Feeding India Concert. Held at the Bandra Kurla Complex (BKC) in Mumbai, the event also featured performances by artists like Jonita Gandhi, Talwiinder, and others.
Lipa thrilled fans with an energetic live performance on Saturday. Several videos of her re-eancting her chartbuster 'Levitating' along with Shah Rukh Khna's iconic song 'Woh Ladki Jo' ( from the 1999 film Baadshaah) have gone viral.
Aside from 'Levitating,' she also performed other hit songs such as Training Season, New Rules, Be The One, Dance The Night (Barbie; 2023), One Kiss, Break My Heart, among others. Addressing her fans, she said, “I love you Mumbai… I am blown away by all this energy. We are going to have a lot of fun. Tonight is about us; it is about me and you and us living in the moment.”
Lipa arrived in Mumbai on Thursday and was later seen dining at Veronica’s, a Bandra restaurant, with her boyfriend, actor