DreamWorks Animation’s animated film The Wild Robot will stream on Peacock from Friday, January 24. Based on Peter Brown's bestselling book, the film has been successful at the box office.
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Universal and DreamWorks Animation have confirmed that The Wild Robot will begin streaming on Peacock on January 24. After its global box office success, which generated over $324 million, the movie will be accessible to subscribers of the streaming platform.
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The film, directed by Chris Sanders, has also been available for rent or purchase on other platforms like Prime Video and Apple TV since its release. Fans who want to watch the movie before its arrival on Peacock can still access it via these VOD services.
Based on Peter Brown’s New York Times bestselling book, The Wild Robot tells the story of a robot named Roz. Shipwrecked on a remote island, Roz must learn to survive in the unfamiliar environment. As she faces challenges, Roz forms friendships with the island's animals. These include a fox, voiced by Pedro Pascal, and a young gosling named Brightbill, voiced by Kit Connor, whom she adopts. Other notable voice cast members include
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