According to a TOI report, agents, who claim to navigate the system’s quirks, charge Rs 15,000 to Rs 20,000 for faster access to visa slots. For applicants with urgent needs, the costs can soar even higher. Shwetang Parikh (name changed), whose appointment was pushed to August 2025, said he paid Rs 75,000 to secure an earlier slot. «It’s frustrating. Despite trying everything, I had no choice but to pay as I needed to travel for work,» he told TOI.
Visa consultants reveal that these agents exploit last-minute cancellations and newly opened slots. «Some agents constantly monitor the system to grab earlier appointments, charging hefty fees for the service,» explained a consultant. Social media platforms are rife with advertisements for such expedited services, fueling the trend.
While some applicants manage to reschedule their appointments through persistence, the system remains difficult to navigate. “Dates occasionally open up, but logging in repeatedly can lock your account,” said Bharat Patel, a visa consultant. “Without external help, the earliest available slots are now in February 2026. Agents are profiting from people’s desperation.”
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The delays have turned simple family reunions and professional commitments into expensive propositions. One businessman shared how his January 2025 appointment took months of effort to reschedule for December 2024. Others report similar struggles, with past visa rejections adding to their woes.
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