ET. The executive, who was in India last week, mentioned that Bitget has been actively engaging with regulators over the past few months to obtain the necessary approvals for its local operations. In a conversation with ET’s Vinod Mahanta, Zade discusses Bitget’s plans for India, the impact of the Trump presidency on cryptocurrencies, the ongoing bull run, and the evolving role of crypto in a post-AI world. Edited excerpts:
Q) Do you think that crypto has a future in countries like India where regulators are not in favour of digital currencies?
As a company, we firmly believe that having regulations is far better than having none at all. Recently, I’ve had the opportunity to engage with some regulators in India, as compliance is a key priority for us. Binance has recently secured registration to operate in India and we are looking forward to getting ours from authorities.
India, in fact, stands ahead of many other major economies like the US or China, where either crypto is outright banned or faces significant restrictions. While Bitget is still a small player in the Indian market, we are committed to growing responsibly by working closely with regulators to ensure full compliance.
The safety and security of customer assets, along with preventing fraud and money laundering, are top priorities for both regulators and companies like ours. We believe that with open dialogue and collaboration, it’s possible to build a regulatory framework that not only ensures safety but also fosters innovation in the crypto space.