facial recognition test of the Bangladeshi man arrested for allegedly stabbing Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan to ascertain that he was the one in the CCTV footage. The court extended the police custody of Shariful Islam Shehzad Mohammad Rohilla Amin Fakir (30) till January 29, while defence lawyers questioned the actor's version of the incident, asking why he did not call the police immediately.
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Shariful's father said he will soon approach Bangladesh foreign ministry and the Indian High Commission for the release of his son, who he claimed was being framed. Shariful was arrested on January 19 for allegedly breaking into Saif Ali Khan's 12th floor flat in Bandra for robbery three days earlier, and stabbing the actor multiple times when confronted. The police on Friday sought his further custody, claiming that while substantial progress had been made in the probe, more interrogation was required to investigate certain crucial aspects.
Public prosecutors told the court that facial recognition test of the accused was needed to be done at a Forensic Science Laboratory to ascertain that he was the same person seen in the CCTV footage recovered from the staircase of Khan's building. The prosecution's statement followed reported claims made by the accused's father that the person seen in the CCTV footage was not his son. Judicial magistrate K C Rajput extended Shariful's police remand till January 29, noting that it was necessary considering the nature of the offence and progress