Anupam Mittal recently stirred up social media with a playful request directed at Ritesh Agarwal, CEO of Oyo Rooms. Mittal’s lighthearted post referenced Oyo’s new check-in policy in Meerut, which requires unmarried couples to provide proof of their relationship before staying at partner hotels. The policy, set to take effect in January 2025, has sparked a wave of memes and discussions online.
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Mittal joined the buzz with a cheeky post on the platform X (formerly Twitter), humorously suggesting that deserves a special Oyo discount code given the overlap in their target audience. His witty comment quickly captured attention, prompting a flurry of creative and humorous responses from users.
Social media users jumped in with their own suggestions and jokes. Some proposed innovative discount codes. A few users even suggested and Oyo partner up for unique offers, such as honeymoon packages or lottery-based giveaways for newlyweds who met through the matchmaking platform.
One particularly bold suggestion involved offering discounts on wedding venues and even insurance packages for divorced couples, adding to the playful tone of the conversation. Despite the jokes, the exchange highlighted how major brands like and Oyo Rooms often intersect in catering to modern relationships and lifestyle trends.