Amitabh Bachchan recently expressed his admiration for his granddaughter Navya Naveli Nanda during an episode of Kaun Banega Crorepati 16. When asked about his top three contacts for a hypothetical “Video Call A Friend” option, the Bollywood legend mentioned Navya, praising her for her quick wit and ability to answer quiz questions effortlessly. He humorously added that Navya alone would suffice for solving even the toughest questions.
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The conversation was prompted by Fawaz Kamaal Hashmi, a Pune-based software engineer and contestant on the show. Fawaz shared amusing anecdotes about his PG accommodation, which his 40 friends referred to as “headquarters.” Fawaz used lifelines for questions, but his incorrect answer for the Super Sawaal ended his journey. He curiously asked Amitabh Bachchan who he would choose as his top three contacts if he had to use a "Video Call A Friend" option and the reasons behind his choices.
In response, the host shared that his granddaughter Navya Naveli Nanda would be one of them. He explained that whenever they sit together and watch the show, Navya effortlessly answers the questions even before the options are displayed. He added that her sharp intellect alone would be enough to tackle any challenge. This playful exchange with Mr Bachchan and the host's anecdote about Navya became the highlight of the episode.