Kejriwal announced the implementation of Mahila Samman Yojana, a scheme which promised ₹1,000 per month to women above 18 years, announced in Delhi Budget earlier this year. He said that the Cabinet had approved it on Thursday but he would double it to ₹2,100 per month if AAP is voted back to power.
«We announced that we will give ₹1,000 to every woman every month in their bank accounts. Today, under the leadership of Chief Minister Atishi, the cabinet cleared the proposal to give ₹1,000 to every woman's bank account,» Kejriwal said adding, «Elections will be announced in 10-15 days, so it is not possible to transfer money now.
Some women said ₹1,000 will not be enough due to inflation. So, when we come back, it will be enhanced to ₹2,100.»