₹93 crore, for the Men’s T20 World Cup 2024, as it termed the amount as "record-breaking".“This event is historic in so many ways, so it is fitting that the prize money for players reflects that. Hundreds of millions of fans around the world will be entertained by the players in what we’re hoping to be an Out of This World event," ICC Chief Executive Geoff Allardice had said.South Africa, who was the runners-up of the T20 World Cup, earned at least $1.28 million, or ₹10.64 crore, in prize money.The losing semi-finalists took home $787,500, ₹6.58 crore, each.
England and Afghanistan were the two losing semi-finalists in this tournament.Teams that did not advance past the second round received $382,500 ( ₹3.19 crore) each, and those finishing between ninth and 12th place got $247,500 each.Teams ranking from 13th to 20th place each earned $225,000. Additionally, every team received an extra $31,154 for each match won, excluding the semi-finals and finals.
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